when do pekin ducks stop laying eggs

Have you considered the possibility that the previous owner lied about their laying ability? But, I’m only getting one egg or none a day. I can’t help you a whole lot beyond the information in the article without more information. Even commercial hatcheries still have to employ a “chick sexer” to manually sex each chick after they hatch. In 2 acres of forest, there are nearly unlimited places they could hide their eggs. Thank you for your input we really appreciate any and all help. We did get a few small eggs over the past couple of months but I chalked it up to their youth. If your Runners have plenty of energy and do a lot of running around, and they still have their slender bowling pin shape, you’re probably good. I’ll have a look into changing their diets. You can listen to more here! I’m not sure how much a small pen would hinder laying, though. You might try weighing them and see if they weigh as much as Runners are usually supposed to weigh. Broodiness can be annoying for us egg-hungry owners, but it’s just part of owning ducks (except for breeds like Khaki Campbells that rarely go broody). She is active, lively and comes when I call her name. Ducks can have special dietary needs and sensitivities, just like humans. I’m guessing that they’re laying outside the coop. Why aren’t my ducks laying? wrinkles. So if you have four ducks and three chickens, you need a minimum of 22 square feet. Could this have something to do with them not laying regular? It’s probably a bug with the Google Captcha plugin; I’ll look into it. Naturally, many Muscovies can lay for more than twelve years. It’s a daily egg hunt since they don’t nest like chickens do. Some ducks laying eggs, some not. If you breed your ducks, please make a plan for what to do with the babies. They generally live about fifteen years, and ducks often stop laying a few years before they die of old age. Related Articles:Why aren’t my ducks laying eggs?When do ducks start laying eggs?What time of day do ducks lay eggs?How to stop your duck from hiding her eggs. Are you absolutely positive the duck is a female? They free range and have a large pond. (How To Stop Your Duck From Hiding Her Eggs), Can ducks lay 2+ eggs in one day? In their pool they also maybe once a month get a treat of live fish. Many ducks are seasonal layers. We have executed the programme and the females are now all fine, no sudden deaths have occurred. Table 5.4: Site of egg-laying by individual Pekin ducks during a behavioural demand test where they had to perform increasing amounts of work to access a nest box containing a preferred substrate (saw dust) while the least preferred option (astroturf) remained free. The mom isn’t necessarily laying. If the duck hits this age during the cold weather months, you will likely need to place a solar coop light inside of the living quarters to ensure she garners the minimum of eight to 10 hours of light daily necessary for poultry … Also, the harder you push a duck to lay (such as by using artificial lights to lengthen the laying season), the more they will lay in a year, but the sooner they will stop for good. Ducks often lay for far longer than chickens. I have five ducks (4 Welsh Harlequins and a Cayuga) nearly 1 year old who have been laying consistently for almost 6 months. Foraging, veggies, and wheat are all healthy and natural, but they also make the ducks lay a more natural amount. She’ll probably start laying again soon, after her hormones return to normal. the Maximum weight for Pekins is Male: 680g and Hen: 570g and they come in a range of colours - Lavender, blue, silver partridge, red partridge, blue mottled, Columbian, cuckoo, mottled, buff, black, … 4. (they are all brothers and sisters). For example, can my Pekin breed with one of my Mallard's? They would need more calcium, and maybe more protein as well. Stress probably caused their laying to stop initially, but yeah, if it’s been five weeks, I would have expected them to start up again–unless they started molting. A very stressful event can also cause a molt. Read “When do ducks start laying eggs?” for more. Maybe she is indeed laying and has put her eggs in the pond or garden or something. Ducks will turn a tidy nest dirty in a day or two. They are coming up to a year old in a few days. Ours live on the ocean salt water. This year we locked them in the secret garden after they hatched and they all survived. Keep in mind that it varies a lot and these are just averages. The other duck will probably stop laying soon too. For more information, read our, Why aren’t my ducks laying eggs? The Muscovies, especially, are almost guaranteed to be hiding their eggs somewhere in that forest, and predators could be eating them there. In general, a Pekin is a big, white duck with an orange beak that is a hearty, friendly bird. In general, the ducks that lay more eggs per year will not lay for so many years as those that lay fewer eggs per year, because ducks are born with a fixed amount of embryos (usually around 1500). These ducks are usually very active therefore don’t get surprised if somethings get dirty on the farm. Also we have been having a drought. The heat might affect her some. She was born with slipped tendons in both her knees but I take her to the vets on a regular basis to be sure she’s not in pain. Here’s an article I wrote on defeating those sneaky ladies who hide their eggs—although I can tell you from personal experience that it’s pretty much impossible to completely prevent them from hiding eggs without taking away their free ranging privileges or at least keeping them locked up in a coop or run until noon. They can’t tell whether their eggs are fertile or not. What is happening? Your email address will not be published. It is a mallard derived from birds brought to the United States from China in the nineteenth century, and is now bred in many parts of the world. Then here are three egg-laying scenarios that you’re likely to encounter: 1. She’s randomly laying the eggs wherever, rather than in a nest. Not all Pekins have the instinct to sit on and hatch a nest full of eggs. They live in a 50f x 50f enclosure with a small pond, fresh water bowls spread around and a wooden coop at ground level with fresh straw daily that I lock them in at dusk and let them out at dawn, they are fed on duck and goose mixed grain twice a day with mealwarm treats, once a day they are let out onto the main garden to forrage for about an hour or two. I normally let mine out early in the morning, but there have been days when we had to leave them in longer, and those that were laying outside rarely laid their eggs during that period of extra confinement. Egg Eating: What are the Causes, and How to Prevent It. That blank box is strange. She has been moulting for AGES and I don’t know why it hasn’t stopped. You’re also approaching winter, so maybe they think the days are too short already. Broody ducks stop laying when they have a clutch of eggs and begin to sit a nest. No evidence of rats in the barn. When trying to pin down the exact reason your ducks are not laying, these are the main factors to consider: If you’re still not sure, contact me and I’ll try to help you. I was wondering if there is something else I need to be doing to guarantee that our new ducks have the best start in their laying careers. Slightly larger than the others on this … However, no matter what breed you have, you can expect good egg production for 3-5 years, and they will likely stop laying entirely when they are 7-9 years old. It also depends on the breed because some ducks lay eggs throughout the year and they can lay over 250 eggs or more. Notify me when replies to my comment are added. How can I capture these eggs? What am I supposed to answer or put in that box so my message will get sent to you? About 5 weeks ago I purchased 1 male and 2 mature khaki Campbell ducks who were laying with their previous owner. Managing the health of your flock is a hands-on process, and you must make time daily to handle feeding, cleaning and maintenance. Also, ducks are a little different than chickens in that some of them are seasonal layers & completely quit during the cooler months. Every “my ducks aren’t laying eggs!” case I’ve ever heard of can be attributed to one or more of these fifteen causes: Ducks normally start laying around five to six months of age. This site uses cookies. A Pekin hen typically starts laying eggs when she is five to six months old. I don’t know how strong it is or if it has been proven, but a lot of people use it and insist it works. I recommend rationing your ducks’ food, as well as not leaving it laying around all day long, and instead giving your ducks two meals a day. 1. There are many reasons why ducks may stop laying eggs or may not lay eggs. If the empty shells are inside the nest will their sharp edges and points hurt the other hatchlings? How To Stop Your Duck From Hiding Her Eggs, What your ducks’ daily routine and living area is like. She has not laid a single egg. Those that sink to the bottom are still fresh. What Time of Year Do Ducks Lay Eggs. I’ve noticed that our ducks lay less if we’re having a cloudy or rainy spell, although that could just be because the sun is covered in clouds and thus it seems like it takes longer to rise. Have you seen a lot of feathers around? She is quite attached to my other duck who is a male khaki Campbell. For backyard farms, the right male-to-female ratio of ducks to have depends on the breed of the duck. Ducks in regions with long periods of short winter days may take up to six months to molt. Temperature extremes will prevent a duck from laying. If it’s hot, they also need a lot of shade. She’s not laying for the same reason she can’t finish molting. As for the other duck, I’ve heard that broodiness is contagious. Maybe you could try arriving earlier to let them out of the stall? They are not particularly productive egg layers laying between 120 and 160 per year. They have a small pond with fresh water. Ducks won’t start laying until they are about five or … They lay eggs at night or at sunrise at around 4 am to 8 am. The definitive answer is here. 15 reasons, I Found a Hidden Nest! Once an animal finds a source of food, they will usually keep coming back. Have you looked around? Or can my khaki Campbell breed with my Mallard or Pekin? Some variation is normal. 2. Their coops sounds a little bit small. What kind of weather have you had? I agree that a thief seems like one of the most likely possibilities. Raising Ducks is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. They are only useful as pets or ornamental birds. I have three Khaki Campbell females and one male. Even if they are in a coop all morning and/or spend the day in an enclosed run, be sure that there are no gaps that an animal could slip through. How recently did you get them? You might not see improvement immediately, especially since I think you’d be approaching winter in Australia, right? Always eating and drinking. Mostly Ducks lay eggs 100 to 300 times per year. ), then I’m guessing that the lower protein diet has just elongated the molting and is making them take a little longer to get back to normal. 1. Thanks for getting back to me. Last year they went back to laying 1 per 2 days as the days were getting shorter. Ducks normally molt (replacing all their old feathers with new ones) once a year, and they can’t lay and molt at the same time, because both eggs and feathers contain high levels of protein, and it’s too difficult to produce both at once. I will try to add some parsley into their diet as I have lots in the garden. If you don’t break her broodiness, she’ll sit on that nest for the full 28 days required for eggs to incubate and hatch (regardless of whether she actually has eggs under her), and she won’t lay during that period or even for some time after. The rule of thumb is 4-5 square feet per duck for the night, and at least 10 square feet per duck for the day or for a full time pen. Even cooked chicken which I found weird but my vet suggested. The one thing I notice that seems rather odd is she actually seems distressed when the male runners mate the pekins. Ducks don’t normally eat their eggs. A while back my chicken eggs dropped (I’m using chickens as an example because my ducks are Muscovies and Muscovies are not prolific layers like Indian Runners or these chickens), and it turned out that one of the hens had made a nest in the very back corner of our storage area, where almost no one ever goes. She might have to call it quits by three. A diet with low protein levels will also prolong the molting period. Most likely, she’s either taking a break or laying somewhere you don’t know. And rather than just pulling them out, it’s better to chip away the shell just enough that they are no longer stuck, and then wait for them to finish the job, because sometimes they haven’t fully absorbed the yolk sac even after the blood vessels are gone, and if you just pull them out, you could rupture what’s left of the yolk sac. She lives mostly off peas but I give her meal worms and grit as much as possible. My Muscovies seem to be able to hold their egg for hours and hours if they’re stuck in their pen and want to lay somewhere outside of it. I’m not sure, though. How do you know which ducks laid the eggs? Your ducks WILL molt once a year (usually in winter) and you can’t stop that. Why did my ducks suddenly stop laying? Automatic Coop Door Opener Kit (CKSP-Standard Kit, No Battery), ChickenGuard ‘Premium’ Automatic Chicken Coop Pop Hole Door Opener & Closer with Timer & Light Sensor Plus Our Classic 30 x 40cm Aluminium Door & Oak Runner Kit, Auto Door Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener – Timer Mode, Late Comer Setting, LCD Screen, Cheeper Keeper Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener - Complete Chicken Coop Door Opener and Closer Kit, Safe for All Standard Sized Chicken Breeds, Happy Henhouse Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener Kit - Light Sensor, NO Timer, Battery Operated - Electric Auto Chicken Guard Door for Coops, Cages, Runs - Sturdy Poultry Safety Supplies Kit, 1 used & new available from $149.95 ($149.95 / Count). Khaki Campbells are unlikely to make any hidden nests, however. There are other possibilities, of course (perhaps they’re not getting enough food? ), but this is what strikes me as by far the most likely. But the female is not laying. If you just got your ducks, don’t expect eggs until they’ve had time to settle down and get used to their new surroundings. You wouldn’t want to spray water into the nests, and it would probably be better to not do it in early morning when they’re actively laying eggs, but it’s not a big deal to bother them a little otherwise. I would suggest feeding her either chicken layer feed with added niacin, or waterfowl feed if you can find it. Where is she during the day, and during the night? There have been not, I haven't been active for a while and somehow I ne, And we've got ducklings! If so, diet could be the problem. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. Chickens usually have slowed down so much by their second or third year that they are no longer useful. I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t (although of course I could be wrong). If they don’t start laying pretty soon, though, you might want to experiment with changing their diet. But it might help. The only thing I can think of that might be causing a hold on the duck laying is that every night we have to herd/carry the ducks into the bird house, 5x4x5 with the upper levels for the chickens with nesting box offset. They have never had a problem with laying previously. If the chickens only started two weeks ago, there’s a chance the ducks will still start soon. Supplemental light. It’s possible that this is the first sign of some sickness, but it’s unlikely. If the drake is aggressive, that could especially hinder laying. I hope you figure out what’s going on and they start laying again soon! They’re still very young and things could change. How do you tell if a duck is too fat? (You’ll be surprised! Raising Pekins is easier than raising most any other breed of domestic duck because of their strong immune systems and ability to survive in extreme conditions. Maybe you can try letting them out a bit later. They are about chickens, but they apply to ducks as well. Sorry, this is all over the place, but i hope it helped. Foxes have also stolen many, many of our eggs. Last week my 8 month old laying Buff Orpington started to go broody. There are hundreds of domestic duck breeds that can provide delicious, large, and creamy eggs. ), Artificial Incubation vs. Natural Incubation, 10 Effective Ways To Sex Your Muscovy Duck (With Pictures), Review of “Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks”, Review of “The Small-Scale Poultry Flock”, Aggressive Ducks: Why drakes attack and how to permanently stop aggression, I love Elvie's blue eyes. If it’s just for the night, it should be fine, but it’s a bit too small for a full time enclosure. But the amount of protein can vary according to the breeds of duck. The problem is, they won’t lay nearly the amount of eggs we might expect, because today’s perfectly computed feeds have been crafted to squeeze out every egg the duck is capable of laying. The Muscovies probably won’t lay again until next spring, unfortunately. Or if your ducks have been laying less and less as the years pass, it’s because they’re getting older. Thank you for your reply! This is all I can think of right now. With this assessment do you think that if all the issues are resolved that normal laying levels can be resumed. They live on the Gold Coast in QLD, Australia. Even if the days should be long enough, are your ducks kept in a dark barn or coop? By the way, have you ever actually witnessed a duck laying an egg? Not really sure what to do. A duck that sits in the corner with droopy feathers, not eating much, if at all, is probably sick, and probably won’t lay. The older ones laid all year round last year, but after their molt and this winter they just stopped except one of them. You could also consider sand. 3 of my girls have laid an egg every day since October but one of my girls has never laid an egg at all. If you happen to come across a surprise clutch of eggs, simply float the eggs in cold water. Make sure her diet has plenty of protein and her shelter is warm and dry. They don't get let out until 10:00am, to make sure they lay eggs in the duck house (our duck house is 8x8feet, with four attached nesting boxes) All winter and spring the ducks would take turns laying. How protected is it? I eventually isolated the problem as being low phosphorus in the diet. The diet, though, could have an effect. If you go to work before this time, you might consider investing in an automatic coop door. As for the geese, they probably wouldn’t be laying this time of year anyway. Putting a nest box out near where they like to stay would certainly encourage them to lay there, although it wouldn’t guarantee it. The female is six months old–so she’s never laid any eggs? I think a camera is a good idea, if you can find a way to easily do it. It can also prolong molting. 15 reasons, I Found a Hidden Nest! Thanks again! I am trying use your Contact form to send you a few questions. A duck that relies on the food it gets from free ranging, or one that only receives “treat” foods such as lettuce and watermelon is not getting enough nutrition—especially protein—to regularly lay. Ducks emit loads of moisture when they breathe and the moisture can lead to frostbite. 1. Release time for foraging is about 9am, and they get the morning daylight under the eves of the roof. Her distress over seeing the Runners mate the Pekins is interesting, but I don’t know if that has anything to do with laying. If nothing else on this list sounds like the culprit, here are a couple things that might help to restart their laying: 1. They will lay somewhere in the vicinity of their home, so it will probably be somewhere nearby. Yes she has only not played for two days now but I got home tonight to find spots of blood in and around the coop, not a lot just maybe a dozen or so spots, I have checked them all for wounds but none seem to be injured, they are all as active as normal, the one not laying did a nice solid poo while I was looking at her and she didn’t look like she was straining or anything (I read something about egg bound ducks), at this stage i will just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow, I hope I am just being a “mother hen” over anxious first time mother, will keep you updated xxx, I have 2 Indian Runners that are 2 years old (I got them Feb 2017). Shouldn’t my ducks be laying more eggs than this? It’s one of the most frustrating issues people have with their ducks, and also one of the most frequent complaints I hear. On average, ducks lay roughly 32 to 52 pounds of eggs annually ... chicken hens, regardless of breed will usually slow or stop their egg laying. Is this their night pen only, or do they spend all their time in this area? Notify me when replies to my comment are added. I’ve tried it and it did seem to work, but it could have been a coincidence, seeing as I was expecting my ducks to start laying more around then anyway. We got her in June this year. Normally that would take 1-4 weeks, but sometimes stress can trigger a molt, which would prevent them from laying for longer. They have their own pool that has a enough water to immerse themselves and dunk, which is changed out twice a day. The prime temperature for duck egg laying is on days when the temperature is between 40 to 85 degrees. I think it’s a bit late for Indian Runners, but it’s not alarming or anything. Hi I was given 3 Indian runner ducklings 2 males & 1 female last year. Hopefully they’ll increase their egg production again soon! or a change in feed, my son recently brought the wrong bag of feed. Observe your ducks for at least a few minutes a day. If you bought adult ducks from someone else who didn’t mention their age, it’s possible they’re too old to lay. Describe her diet. Here’s another major cause. Their schedule? It uses material from Wikipedia.org. Most ducks molt right before winter and then lay again in spring. My name is Lachlan, I’ve recently bought 7 ducks but only one of them is laying. The onset of winter is the most likely reason. Many people who are interested in getting as many eggs as they can will use artificial light in the coops so that their birds don’t notice the days are getting shorter, since lengthening days trigger their laying and shortening days can stop them. Well the last five days she hasn’t laid an egg at all and also the other laying duck has also now gone broody. Hi I have 5 ducks: 1 Pekin, 2 Mallards, and 2 Khaki Campbell's. The side that my ducks are on is about 4×6. Maybe you’ve already thought about that, but I thought I’d mention it just in case. I hope at least one of them perhaps gave you an idea or possibility. Lack of calcium is another nutritional problem that can completely stop a duck from laying. We have 4 ducks, 2 ladies and 2 drakes, one being a Crested Pekin, the others possibly a cross of Swedish/Cayuga, other male crested as well. Ducks lay eggs in between March till the end of July. What does she eat? Many people use artificial lights for their chickens and ducks in order to get eggs during the winter. Just wondered if perhaps they weren’t good layers? 3. Mallards, for example, will likely only lay two or three clutches a year, all in spring. And it becomes a habit to break and eat all her eggs, and maybe also the eggs of other ducks. Can you rule out any other possible causes of low laying, like parasites or predators? Sudden changes in her lifestyle, such as being moved from one home to another, will also cut off her laying temporarily. They live with a 1 1/2 yr old female goose and next door to them in the run lives 5 chickens. They are about 4 months now, and we’ve released them back onto the river in our back yard. I have 2 khaki and 2 Pekin, there is one who is laying rubber eggs and the others only lay maybe twice a week. It’s best to have at least four females per drake, or you run the risk of the females being overmated or even killed. They seem happy and active, and aren’t actually eating much in the way of pellets and wheat at the moment – it’s prime bug season here! If you try to help too early, you might rupture the blood vessels and kill the duckling. I believe they stop at five or six years old. It is seen that some ducks even out-lay chicken in terms of eggs. It could have been a “soft” molt that you didn’t notice. They went into their usual moult in Feb (we live in Australia) and have not laid since then. Your duck herself is an even more likely culprit than a wily fox. Also, most Runners lay extremely well–but mainly just for the first few years. Parasites will also prevent a duck from laying. Hi How much does she eat? Describe her schedule. Then, they’ll bring water back to the nest area in their feathers to moisten the area. – one minute its like summer, then next its winter! Good luck with your new ducks (and chickens)! If they’re relatively tame, it’s probably not an issue. Hopefully they will still lay this year. 3 juvenile females two of which have been laying every day and 5 x 2 month old ducklings, one of which is definitely a male. We keep track of how many duck eggs we collect in the morning to know if we need to keep looking or not. Keep in mind that this is for ducks not raised under artificial lighting. Even in year-round layers, the start of spring and the abundance of food in pasture seems to kick egg-laying into overdrive. I’m not fussed if she never lays an egg just curious as to why the other 3 do but not here. You have a flock of female ducks and you discover two eggs in their house. Oh, and the older they are, the more they will affected by stress and molting. We also have the same problem with the geese, when we got them they were all laying but they never resumed when we brought them home. Anyway, I suspect the addition of the drake is the reason they’re laying less. I’m not sure about Crested Pekins, but Swedishes and Cayugas are both seasonal layers. Be sure to list the duck’s age, breed, diet, and other pertinent information. Some people expect them to mature earlier. The age of the duck – as they get older the amount of eggs may reduce. Thanks for your information and suggestions, very helpful. Even more extreme, but not impossible, would be a duck that hatched in January, is mature enough to lay in June, but doesn’t start laying until next April—when she is sixteen months old! She swims occasionally and I put her in my large pool on a weekly basis to give her some activity. I have to assume the mom is laying eggs and the babies will some day too. If you’d rather not, then I think she’ll probably start laying again in spring. Then she tastes it and…yum! I have 3 Indian runner ducks, 2 female one Male, they started laying an eggs day about a month ago (the females obviously), two days ago dotty just stopped laying. Hi, The ducks are laying incredibly well, My face when people call my sheep goats. Or the drakes not being satisfied with only two females and going for the hens instead, which could kill them. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the third young duck will decide to go broody and then stop laying, too. I’m not sure if having to herd/carry the ducks in would have an effect. Not all ducks like to go broody, but those that do will lay a clutch, go broody on it, and then stop laying. What exactly do you mean by rubber eggs? Is it possible for you to rule anything else out? I believe that the farm I bought them from was honest and they did lay the first two days. Hi, I’ve got 4 female Aylesbury ducks that I’ve had since they were 2 days old. The average length is 7-9 years. The 2 Perkins have laid eggs but not the runner. This is one of the oldest ducks there is which people have been using on their farm. Some ducks have zilch interest in nests, especially the ones that are the most prolific egg-layers, such as Runners and Khaki Campbells. You could try deworming them, just in case. Many other health problems can hinder laying, even if they don’t have many other external symptoms. There’s a chance adding a new bird could bring in diseases, but you would probably see your birds becoming sick if that was the case. This breed originates from England and is excellent for a family with children due to their … They can produce eggs every week with a big amount and then stop laying for another week. They are fun. Egg-laying ducks require a regular feeding schedule, access to water, ample space and a comfortable habitat. I’m sure everything has been going well so far or you would have mentioned it, but you definitely want to keep an eye out for missing feathers on the back of the ducks’ necks and things like that. The ducks are laying incredibly well, My face when people call my sheep goats. I’ve moved them into a yard that is about 5meters long and 3meters wide made out wire so they can get as much light as possible. 3. Provide a children's swimming pool filled with water if you can. Has anything stressful happened? They are very active and appear stressed.

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