intend meaning in nepali

A particular standardized examination taken by high-school students. होरिजोन्तेका मेयर जुससेलिनो कुबिच्चेकले शहरको ज्यादातर प्रयोग नगरिएको उत्तरी क्षेत्र भित्र योजनबद्ध जिल्ला, , we can also find time to prepare for the Congregation Book Study and the, भने हामीले मण्डली पुस्तक अध्ययन र प्रहरीधरहरा अध्ययनको लागि तयार गर्न पनि समय, (Matthew 24:14; Hebrews 10:24, 25) If your, you will never lose sight of spiritual goals as you and your parents, तपाईंको ज्ञानेन्द्रिय शक्ति तीखो छ भने, आमाबाबुसँग मिलेर आफ्नो भविष्यबारे, बनाउनुहुँदा तपाईंले आध्यात्मिक लक्ष्यहरू बिर्सनुहुने छैन।, Regularity in the application of my decisions and, was the antidote, and it remains a good habit till now.”, नियमित तवरमा लागू गर्नु नै मेरो समस्याको समाधान थियो र यो असल बानी, morning during the consideration of the day’s Bible text, announcement was made regarding these, त्यसको भोलिपल्ट बिहानको दैनिक पद छलफलपछि यस, to dethrone King Ahaz of Judah and install in his. © 2016 The website is designed to serve as an an easy-to-use web dictionary accessible with any desktop or mobile browser. en WHAT BIBLE COMMENTATORS SAY: After a thorough investigation of the Bible’s 66 books, Louis Gaussen wrote that he was astonished by “the imposing unity of this book, composed during fifteen hundred years by so many authors, . Born English his heart is Nepali. बनाउँदा र निर्णयहरू गर्दा चाहे त्यो घर, जागिर, बच्चाहरूको लालनपालन, मनोरञ्जन, बिदा वा धार्मिक गतिविधिहरूसम्बन्धी. an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests", a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue", scale drawing of a structure; "the plans for City Hall were on file", have the will and intention to carry out some action; "He plans to be in graduate school next year"; "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion", make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form; "design a better mousetrap"; "plan the new wing of the museum", make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack", make plans for something; "He is planning a trip with his family". This reduplication without losing meaning is what sets them apart from the other conjunction types. to take into account the feelings and opinions of the other mate. intendo verb. To have the intention to carry out some action. All rights reserved. Categories: General What does intentar mean in English? cogito verb. pretend definition: 1. to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not, especially in order to deceive…. the son of Tabeel —a man who was not a descendant of David. True, conserving energy may require more effort and, And it may require hard work along with good. A schedule of task start and finish dates and resource and cost data. सफल हुन्छ तर हतार गर्ने मानिसहरू कङ्गाल हुन्छन्।”—हितोपदेश २१:५. aim, aim at, direct, fix, stretch out. Please follow the links below to download for Android and iOS. In Nepali, correlative conjunctions are slightly different because there are some that do not come in pairs, so it is duplicated instead. who yet pursued one and the same. —Proverbs 11:14; 15:22. We hope this will help you in learning languages. The impression such pictures give is exactly what they intend to do, that only men are relevant in Nepal. as one day traveling by bus through Okinawa to conclude the series. is a FREE online dictionary to quickly search Nepali meanings of English words. (+n) → beabsichtigen, wollen; I intend him to go with me, I intend that he should go with me → ich beabsichtige or habe vor, ihn mitzunehmen; (= insist) → er soll mit mir mitkommen; I intended no harm → es war (von mir) nicht böse gemeint; (with action) → ich hatte nichts Böses beabsichtigt; did you intend that? The website is designed to serve as an an easy-to-use web dictionary accessible with any desktop or mobile browser. Intend definition is - to have in mind as a purpose or goal : plan. How to use intend in a sentence. intend. (transitive) To design a building, machine, etc. Home > Words that start with I > intend > intentar ... Intentar Meaning and Catalan to English Translation. If you want to learn intentar in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Catalan to English. Languages . Using music to empower and inspire Alex uses his time to share kindness via musical social work projects and offers hope and solutions to those less fortunate. Alex Nepali is a musician, singer song writer and time traveller. → hatten Sie das beabsichtigt?, war das Ihre Absicht? र पत्नीले एकअर्काको भावना र विचारहरूको ख्याल राख्नुपर्छ।—हितोपदेश ११:१४; १५:२२. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. . A two-dimensional drawing of a building as seen from above with obscuring or irrelevant details such as roof removed, or of a floor of a building, revealing the internal layout; as distinct from the elevation. think, reflect, consider, plan, meditate. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. A scheme of action, a method of proceeding, or a series of steps, thought out in advance to accomplish a goal. You can also download our apps to use the dictionary on your mobile devices. English to Nepali Dictionary - Meaning of Intended in Nepali is : इरादा what is meaning of Intended in Nepali language . Intend definition, to have in mind as something to be done or brought about; plan: We intend to leave in a month. A 2-dimensional drawing of a building as seen from above with obscuring or irrelevant details such as roof removed, or of a floor of a building, revealing the internal layout; as distinct from the elevation. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. of action and be willing to take responsibility for your own survival. A set of intended actions, usually mutually related, through which one expects to achieve a goal. English to Nepali Dictionary - Meaning of Intents in Nepali is : आशय, उद्देश्यहरु what is meaning of Intents in Nepali language Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. बाइबल टिप्पणीकारहरू के भन्छन्: बाइबलका ६६ वटा किताबको गहन अध्ययन-अनुसन्धान गरेपछि लुई गोसेनले लेखे: ‘बाइबलका लेखकहरूले परमेश्वरको छोराले संसारको उद्धार गर्ने विषयमा राम्ररी बुझेका थिएनन् तापनि यत्ति धेरै लेखकले १,५०० वर्षको अवधिमा त्यही विषयमा लेखे र निरन्तर लेखिरहे। यस्तो एकरूपता आफैमा अत्यन्तै अचम्मलाग्दो छ।’—थिअप्नुस्ती—परमेश्वरद्वारा प्रेरित पवित्र शास्त्र (फ्रान्सेली), यसको लागि विशेष गरी आमाबाबुले पहिल्यै विचार पुऱ्याएर राम्रो, met, I explained why I had not told her earlier of my faith and, पछि हाम्रो भेट हुँदा मैले उहाँलाई आफ्नो विश्वास र, According to the playlist description, OleOleSaggy, isn't quite finished with the project yet, with, to travel and document several bus routes in. प्लेलिस्ट विवरणका अनुसार ओलेओलेस्यागीले आफ्नो यात्रा पुरा गरिसकेका छैनन् र उनले विभिन्न, तिनीहरूको विस्तृत विवरण राख्ने तथा बसबाट एक दिने ओकिनावा भ्रमणद्वारा यस श्रृंखलाको अन्त्य गर्ने, of the diligent surely lead to success, but all who are hasty surely head. , and advanced constantly, as if they themselves understood it, towards that one great end, the history of the world’s redemption by the Son of God.” —Theopneusty— The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. अनि साँझको पारिवारिक उपासनालाई नियमित, रमाइलो र अर्थपूर्ण बनाउन राम्रो, हुनुका साथै कडा मेहनत पनि गर्नुपर्ने हुन सक्छ।, and decisions —whether regarding housing, employment, child rearing, entertainment, vacations, or religious activities— husband. More Latin words for intend. इसारामा चल्ने व्यक्तिलाई अर्थात् ताबालका छोरालाई सिंहासनमा बसाल्ने, गरिरहेका थिए। तर ताबालका छोरा दाऊदका घरानाका थिएनन्।, The article stated: “This need [of dialogue] can be expected to grow with use of alternative therapies, particularly as health insurance, include such therapies in the benefits they offer.”, उक्त लेखमा यसो भनिएको थियो: “स्वास्थ्य बिमा सुविधाहरूले वैकल्पिक उपचारविधिलाई समावेश गर्न थालेपछि यसको प्रयोगसँगसँगै यस्तो [वार्तालापको] खाँचो पनि बढ्नेछ भन्ने आशा गर्न सकिन्छ।”. The dictionary currently has 56553 English words. : Bar owners, hoteliers, shopkeepers and taxi drivers intend to make hay while the sun shines. intend, Marathi translation of intend, Marathi meaning of intend, what is intend in Marathi dictionary, intend related Marathi | मराठी words. Internet connection is required to use this dictionary online or via mobile apps. plan translation in English-Nepali dictionary. Learn more. See more. But he correctly discerned that the development of his own body attested to advance, तर तिनले आफ्नो शरीरमा भएको विकास हेरेर ती, तयार पारिएको योजनाअनुसार हुन्छ भनेर सही बुझेका थिए।. intend definition: 1. to have as a plan or purpose: 2. to have as a plan or purpose: 3. to have as a plan or…. . Hindi Translation of “intend” | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Scale drawing of a structure or its parts. . Learn more. : The book itself, which I do not intend to read, seems to be mostly well-known paleo-conservative stuff. आफूले के गर्ने भनी तपाईंले स्पष्ट निर्णय गरिसकेको हुनुपर्छ र आफ्नो बचावको लागि तपाईं आफै जिम्मेवारी लिन तयार हुनुपर्छ।, (लूका १४:२८) के-कस्तो कुरामा पैसा खर्च गर्ने भनेर निर्णय गर्न दुवैले मिलेर, Indeed, “roll your works upon Jehovah himself and your, हो, “आफूले गर्ने सबै काम परमप्रभुलाई सुम्पिदेऊ, र तिम्रा, receive extra resources National Bank of Economic and Social Development from to implement a fire-safety, लागू गर्नको लागि नेशनल बैंक अफ इकोनोमिक एन्ड सोसियल डेभलपमेन्ट मार्फत अतिरिक्त स्रोत, WHAT BIBLE COMMENTATORS SAY: After a thorough investigation of the Bible’s 66 books, Louis Gaussen wrote that he was astonished by “the imposing unity of this book, composed during fifteen hundred years by so many authors, . Latin Translation. Comments or suggestions: fill out and submit the form on contact page. advertisement advertisement Quick MenuInformation About The Name NehaThe Meaning Of The Name NehaStatistics Of The Name NehaThe Picture Of The Name NehaNumerology […] छन्, श्रोतालाई टिप्पणी गर्न आग्रह गर्नुहोस्।, Belo Horizonte, Juscelino Kubitschek, decided to create a. district within the mostly-unused northern region of the city. to have a regular, enjoyable, and meaningful Family Worship evening. A set of intended actions, through which one expects to achieve a goal. About English Nepali Dictionary (Beta) is a FREE online dictionary to quickly search Nepali meanings of English words. Please use the quick menu. •NepaliSong: Nepali songs to listen • Text from the Nepali translated version of Alice's adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), annoted corpus, by Netra Prasad Paudyal (2014) • In search of the oldest Nepalese manuscript by Kengo Harimoto, in Rivista degli studi orientali (2011) • WordProject: translation of the Bible in Nepali to consider the special Memorial Bible reading. I intend to rebuild the sunroom in the future to improve its already considerable aesthetic and thermal qualities. Meaning of the name Neha, analysis of the name Neha and so much more… What does Neha mean and its numerology, definition, origin, popularity and very interesting information. A drawing showing technical details of a building, machine, etc., with unwanted details omitted, and often using symbols rather than detailed drawing to represent doors, valves, etc. However, this reduplication part is optional, so they are often used only once. 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