Located at 255 EC, the team at the School of Engineering and Computer Science Advising Office is here to help you. Chang's website, Christopher Cooley, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 404(248) 370-2659cooley@oakland.eduDr. School of Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Center, Room 301 Publications 1. Contact. Li's Website, Daniel Llamocca, Ph.D.Assiociate ProfessorOffice: EC 438 (248) 370-4042Fax: (248) 370-4633llamocca@oakland.eduDr. Tang's Website, Mohamed A. Zohdy, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 342(248) 370-2234Fax: (248) 370-4633zohdyma@oakland.eduDr. The minor in computer science is suitable for students with a major in engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry or biology, who may wish to emphasize numerical, scientific and engineering aspects of computing. secsadvising@oakland.edu, Shailesh Lal, Ph.D.Professor and ChairOffice: DH 346 (248) 370-2875Fax: (248) 370-4225lal@oakland.eduDr. 2009 New Investigator Research Excellence Award, Oakland University Yang's website, Yongsoon Yoon, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 314 (248) 370-3796 yongsoonyoon@oakland.edu, Peng ZhaoAssistant ProfessorOffice: EC 330(248) 370-2214pengzhao@oakland.edu. Guessous's website, Ching L. Ko, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 420 (248) 370-2694Fax: (248) 370-4261ko@oakland.edu, Christopher J. Kobus, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 301 (248) 370-2489Fax: (248) 370-4416cjkobus@oakland.eduDr. Kim's website, Anyi Liu, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 526(248) 370-2137anyiliu@oakland.eduDr. Incoming students seeking the degree are urged to discuss their proposed concentration area with their adviser or other faculty members in that area. Projects 1. Lal's website, Gerard Madlambayan, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Biological SciencesOffice: DH 325(248) 370-3585madlamba@oakland.edu, Jing Tang, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer EngineeringOffice: EC 340 (248) 370-2245Fax: (248) 370-4633jtang@oakland.eduDr. Lu's website, Debbie VallaAdministrative AssistantOffice: EC 546(248) 370-2200Fax: (248) 370-4625valla@oakland.edu, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice:EC 542 (248) 370-2208mbagherzadeh@oakland.eduDr. Tang's Website, Fabia Battistuzzi, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Biological SciencesOffice: DH 340(248) 370-3593battistu@oakland.edu, Sara Blumer-Schuette, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Biological SciencesOffice: EC 444(248) 370-3168blumerschuette@oakland.eduDr. 115 Library Drive 1. Kobus's website, Michael A. Latcha, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 416 (248) 370-2203Fax: (248) 370-4261latcha@oakland.eduDr. Phone: 734.487.1063 . Interim Chairperson: Lunjin Lu Professors emeriti: David E. Boddy, Glenn A. Jackson, Janusz W. Laski, Sarma R. Vishnubhotla, Thomas G. Windeknecht Professors: Huirong Fu, Ishwar K. Sethi, Gautam Singh School of Engineering and Computer Science Engineering Center, Room 301 115 Library Drive Rochester , MI 48309-4479 (location map) Dean's Office: (248) 370-2217 Academic Advising: (248) 370-2201 secsadvising@oakland.edu School of Engineering and Computer Science Engineering Center, Room 301 115 Library Drive Rochester , MI 48309-4479 (location map) Dean's Office: (248) 370-2217 Academic Advising: (248) 370-2201 secsadvising@oakland.edu Malik's website, Hua Ming, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 516(248) 370-3769Fax: (248) 370-4625ming@oakland.eduDr. Contact. Zohdy's Website, Robert P. Van Til, Ph.D.Pawley Professor of Lean Studies and ChairOffice: EC 502(248) 370-2211Fax: (248) 370-4625vantil@oakland.eduDr. Before joining MSU, she was on the faculty of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara for 12 years. MI Department of Computer Science. An application for major standing should be submitted prior to intended enrollment in 3000- or higher level courses. Engineering and Computer Science; Health Sciences; Nursing ; Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine; Check out Oakland University's admissions sites for application guidelines, academic programs and information on how to pay for your education. Please visit https://ou-advisor.oakland.edu/ to schedule an advising appointment. Carmen EtienneDirector, SECS Advising(248) 370-2201etienne@oakland.edu, Kacie CadotteAcademic AdviserOffice: EC 255kecadott@oakland.edu, Derek MorenoAcademic AdviserOffice: EC 255moreno@oakland.edu, Marlene McKeanAdvising Secretary(248) 370-2201mckeanma@oakland.edu, Eman ShammoAcademic Adviser(248) 370-2201eshammo@oakland.edu, Sarah KonradSenior Academic Adviser(248) 370-2201shelden@oakland.edu, Kurtis Kirkpatrick Academic Adviser(248) 370-2201kirkpatrick@oakland.edu, Oakland University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, Software Engineering and Information Technology, Graduate Certificate in Productivity Improvement, Fastening and Joining Research Institute (FAJRI), Center of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials. Computer Science, Health Sciences, Nursing and The Honors College. Computer Science; Health Sciences; Medicine; Nursing; Events. Return to: Departments 546 ENGINEERING CENTER (248) 370-2200 FAX: (248) 370-4625 Department Website: oakland.edu/secs/cse. To enroll in 3000- or higher level courses and to become candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in Computer Science, students must gain major standing. School of Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Center, Room 301 Academic Advising: (248) 370-2201 Hanna's website, Jia Li, Ph.D.Professor, Electrical and Computer EngineeringOffice: EC 422(248) 370-2661Fax: (248) 370-4633li4@oakland.eduDr. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department School of Engineering and Computer Science Oakland University 2200 N. Squirrel Road, Rochester, MI, 48309 Contact: EC Building, Room: 438, email: llamocca@oakland.edu MI Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies . Skip navigation. The progress of each regular student toward the Master of Science degree is directed by the student’s adviser, a faculty member of the School of Engineering and Computer Science who is assigned at the time of admission. Qu's Website, Michel Sultan, Ph.D.Special InstructorOffice: DH 132 (248) 765-4955sultan@oakland.edu, Jing Tang, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 340 (248) 370-2245Fax: (248) 370-4633jtang@oakland.eduDr. Oakland University is a legally autonomous state institution of higher learning. 168. 7,577 Computer Science Faculty jobs available on Indeed.com. Find Info; Sign-In ... Computer Science Faculty Lisa Gandy Department Chair Pearce Hall 412 lisa.gandy@cmich.edu 989.774. The programs are offered through five departments: Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Bioengineering. Llamocca's Website, Wing-Yue Geoffrey Louie, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 442 (248) 370-2860Fax: (248) 370-4633louie@oakland.eduDr. Fu's website, Hadeel Jawad, Ph.D.Visiting ProfessorOffice: DH 128(248) 370-4077hjawad@oakland.edu, Dae-Kyoo Kim, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 544(248) 370-2863Fax: (248) 370-4625kim2@oakland.eduDr. It's time to move forward and reclaim your future. Oakland University Online Course Catalog. He has authored 4 books and more than 50 articles on information systems and has served as the editor-in-chief of Journal of Database Management. Oakley's website, Richard Olawoyin, Ph.D., CSP, CEPAssociate ProfessorOffice: EC 510(248) 370-2576olawoyin@oakland.edu, Vijitashwa Pandey, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 514(248) 370-4044pandey2@oakland.eduDr. 48309-4479 ProfessorOffice: EC 502(248) 370-2989pahillbe@oakland.edu, Hyungil Kim, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 504(248) 370-4896hyungilkim@oakland.edu, Nasim Nezamoddini, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 506(248) 370-2989nezamoddini@oakland.edu, Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., P.E.ProfessorOffice: EC 502C(248) 370-2435Fax: (248) 370-4633oakley@oakland.eduDr. Louie's Website, Steven Louis, Ph.D.Special InstructorOffice: DH 118(248) 370-3873slouis@oakland.eduDr. Pandey's website, Sankar Sengupta, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 502D(248) 370-2218Fax: (248)-370-4625sengupta@oakland.edu, Brian P. Sangeorzan, Ph.D.Professor and ChairOffice: EC 402(248) 370-2236Fax: (248) 370-4416bsangeor@oakland.edu, Brenda BondAdministrative AssistantOffice: EC 402(248) 370-2210Fax: (248) 370-4416bond2@oakland.edu, Gary Barber, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 326 (248) 370-2184Fax: (248) 370-4416barber@oakland.edu, Stephen Bazinski, Ph.D.Special InstructorOffice: DH 111(248) 370-3877sbazinsk@oakland.edu, Turgay Bengisu, Ph.D.Special InstructorOffice: DH 116(248) 370-3872bengisu@oakland.edu, Yin-ping (Daniel) Chang, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 418(248) 370-2209Fax: (248) 370-4416ychang@oakland.eduDr. Qu's website, Sunny RajAssistant ProfessorOffice: EC 530(248) 370-4075raj@oakland.edu, Julian Rrushi, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 344(248) 370-4067rrushi@oakland.edu, Amartya Sen, Ph.D.Assistant Professor Office: EC 322(248) 370-4260sen@oakland.edu, Ishwar K. Sethi, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice:EC 522 (248) 370-2820Fax: (248) 370-4625isethi@oakland.edu, Mohammad-Reza Siadat, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 540(248) 370-2230Fax: (348) 370-2171siadat@oakland.edu, Gautam B. Singh, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 534 (248) 370-2129Fax: (248) 370-4625singh@oakland.edu Dr. Singh's website, Douglas Zytko, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 544 (248) 370-2683zytko@oakland.edu, Osamah A. Rawashdeh, Ph.D.Professor and ChairOffice: EC 446A(248) 370-2866Fax: (248) 370-4633rawashd2@oakland.eduDr. Liu's website, Tianle Ma, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 508(248) 370-2743tianlema@oakland.edu, Mohammed Mahmoud, Ph.D.Visiting ProfessorOffice: DH 111(248) 370-2220mahmoud2@oakland.edu, Khalid Mahmood Malik, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorOffice: EC 532(248) 370-3542mahmood@oakland.eduDr. Rochester , College of Arts and Sciences. About. Here are the responses from each faculty member. Publication. Department of Computer Science and Engineering . Cheok's Website, Manohar Das, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 424(248) 370-2237Fax: (248) 370-4633das@oakland.edu, Brian K. Dean, Ph.D.Associate Professor and Academic Programs CoordinatorOffice: EC 444 (248) 370-2822Fax: (248) 370-4633bkdean@oakland.edu, Jun Chen, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 444 (248) 370-4797junchen@oakland.edu, Subramaniam Ganesan, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 440(248) 370-2206Fax: (248) 370-4633ganesan@oakland.eduDr. Academic Advising: (248) 370-2201 Reads . Black and Gold Pride . (location map) Aloi's Website, Seyed Ali Arefifar, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 432(248) 370-2222Fax: (248) 370-4633arefifar@oakland.edu, Ka C. Cheok, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 333 (248) 370-2232Fax: (248) 370-4633cheok@oakland.eduDr. (location map) Gu's website, Laila Guessous, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 404 (248) 370-2183Fax: (248) 370-4416Guessous@oakland.eduDr. Oakland University's School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) offers instruction leading to degrees at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels. Legislation creating Oakland University as an independent institution, separate from Michigan State University, was established under Act No. 35, Public Acts of 1970. The programs are offered through five departments: Bioengineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Association for Interdisciplinary Studies. Oakland University's School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) offers instruction leading to degrees at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels. OAKLAND UNIVERSITY Volume 1 Policies and Procedures College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) 2017-2018 UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG May 2017 Volume LVII Published by Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan All data in this catalog reflect information as it was available at the publication date. 3696. 511 Pray-Harrold. School of Engineering and Computer Science Engineering Center, Room 301 115 Library Drive Rochester , MI 48309-4479 (location map) Dean's Office: (248) 370-2217 Academic Advising: (248) 370-2201 secsadvising@oakland.edu Maisonneuve's website, Ryan Monroe, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 316(248) 370-3871ryanmonroe@oakland.edu, Zissimos P. Mourelatos, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 402D(248) 370-2686Fax: (248) 370-4416mourelat@oakland.edu, Sayed A. Nassar, Ph.D.Distinguished University ProfessorOffice: EC 348(248) 370-3781Fax: (248) 370-4416nassar@oakland.eduDr. Publication. Publications 1. The university is governed by an eight member board of trustees appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Michigan Senate. 115 Library Drive Search & Navigation. Dean's Office: (248) 370-2217 About. The 2019 Ph.D. student-faculty ratio is 1.6:1. Amber Stubbs (Simmons University) Hi students! View All Events. Villa-Diaz's website, Randal Westrick, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Biological SciencesOffice: DH 305 (248) 370-3577rjwestrick@oakland.edu, Mary CraigSpecial Lecturer, Biological SciencesOffice: MSC 323(248) 370-3566mecraig@oakland.edu, Lunjin Lu, Ph.D.Professor and ChairOffice: EC 546 (248) 370-2200l2lu@oakland.eduDr. Apply to Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, Associate Professor and more! Latcha's website, Jonathan Maisonneuve, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorOffice: EC 408 (248) 370-2657Fax: (248) 370-4416maisonneuve@oakland.eduDr. A. Yang's Website, LianXiang Yang, Ph.D.Distinguished University ProfessorOffice: EC 410 (248) 370-2283Fax: (248) 370-4416yang2@oakland.eduDr. They’re also highly accessible and attentive individuals who’ll go out of their way to help you achieve your goals, in and out of the classroom. Wise@OU Climate Survey. Fax: 734.487.6824 [email protected] EMU Today; Library; Maps; Calendar; Canvas; Email; myEmich; Give to EMU; Search; Department of Computer Science. Louis's Website, Khalid Mirza, Ph.D.Special Instructor,Director, Chrysler Robotics LaboratoryOffice: EC 338 (248) 370-4629Fax: (248) 370-4633mirza@oakland.edu, Hongwei Qu, Ph.D.ProfessorOffice: EC 430 (248) 370-2205Fax: (248) 370-4633qu2@oakland.eduDr. Department of Computer Science; Faculty; Faculty. Exceptions can be petitioned to both the Associate … The programs are offered through four departments: Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. 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