Respiratory rate of 32 breaths/minute Chills, fever, night sweats, and hemoptysis A client with a positive skin test for TB isn’t showing signs of active disease. Carbon monoxide poisoning 58. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can be provided through an oxygen mask to improve oxygenation in hypoxic patients by which of the following methods? A nurse evaluates the blood theophylline level of a client receiving aminophylline (theophylline) by intravenous infusion. Increases carbon dioxide levels A client has a positive reaction to the PPD test. More hemoglobin reduces the client’s respiratory rate You are given one minute per question. Bronchodilators 1. 2. Admit him to the hospital in respiratory isolation. Brush up on your knowledge of pneumonia (including a practice question) for the NCLEX® exam in this NCLEX review video. Ineffective airway clearance related to retained secretions. In addition, primary sites of infection containing TB bacilli may remain inactive for years and then activate when the client’s resistance is lowered, as when a client is being treated for cancer. 4. You are given one minute per question. 1. 4. 4. 1. Tuberculin test. Test. Pleural effusion V. Barnes. Para-aminosalicylic acid Increased appetite 4. stick a needle in the area of decreased breath sounds. The accumulation of fluid between the linings of the pleural space. 45. 3. 26. Asked by Harrington, Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 + Answer. Supplement the diet with pyridoxine (vitamin B6). He’s now being treated for cancer. 3. 2. To help prevent the development of active TB, the client should be treated with isoniazid, 300 mg daily, for how long? The ability to perform ADL’s without dyspnea. A client is diagnosed with active TB and started on triple antibiotic therapy. 4. The Respiratory System is responsible for taking oxygen in and expelling carbon dioxide out. The client is showing s/s of active TB and because of a productive cough is highly contagious. 2. NCLEX questions that use charts and exhibits are also similar to standard multiple-choice questions, with a little extra information. 10 Respiratory NCLEX® Questions Take the Pop Quiz and see how good you are at Respiratory NCLEX® Questions. 13. 17-year-old daughter A cough with the expectoration of mucoid sputum. Alveoli have no effect on oxygenation Read each question carefully and choose the best answer. A positive PPD test indicates that the client has been exposed to tubercle bacilli. Frequent offering of a bedpan. ½” to 3/8” 26 or 27G needle. 4. 4. 15 mcg/mL The nurse tells the group that one of the first symptoms associated with TB is: 1. Gaseous exchange occurs in the alveolar membrane. Answer: 2. The nurse auscultates his lung fields and hears bronchial sounds in the left lower lobe. If you need more clarifications, please direct them to the comments section. Performing paracentesis Acute pain related to lung expansion secondary to lung infection 12. 17. 3. 25 mcg/mL This PPD would be read as having which of the following results? It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project. 25. 2. The Contact Isolation or Body Substance Isolation (BSI) involves the use of barrier protection (such as … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1. What effect does hemoglobin amount have on oxygenation status? Select all that apply. Once you are finished, click the button below. A community health nurse is conducting an educational session with community members regarding TB. 4. Give a prescription for isoniazid, 300 mg daily for 2 weeks, and send him home. Sputum culture I hope this information was helpful for you and if you use this knowledge wisely, I know it will be. 5. Chronic bronchitis A chest x-ray should a client’s lungs to be clear. 4. A chest x-ray suggests he has TB. A nurse evaluates the blood theophylline level of a client receiving aminophylline (theophylline) by intravenous infusion. Which of the following diagnostic tests is definitive for TB? 5 mcg/mL 1. The client with HIV+ status is considered to have positive results on PPD skin test with an area greater than 5-mm of induration. He’s a “seroconverter”, meaning the TB has gotten to his bloodstream. 3. The nurse teaches the client with TB to increase intake of protein, iron, and vitamin C. A respiratory assessment, which includes auscultating breath sounds and assessing the color of the nail beds, is a priority for clients with pneumonia. Chest x-ray Gravity. Pleuritic chest pain and cough. Needs to be redone A primary TB infection occurs when the bacillus has successfully invaded the entire body after entering through the lungs. Answer: 4. 3. influenzavaccines, and TB medications. The fluid is then analyzed to determine if it’s transudative or exudative. 18. Read each question carefully and choose the best answer. Test. Our ultimate goal is to help address the nursing shortage by inspiring aspiring nurses that a career in nursing is an excellent choice, guiding students to become RNs, and for the working nurse – helping them achieve success in their careers! There’s no such thing as tertiary infection, and superinfection doesn’t apply in this case. Bacillus Anthracis 4. Supplemental vitamin B6 is routinely prescribed. 4. All questions are given in a single page and correct answers, rationales or explanations (if any) are immediately shown after you have selected an answer. Using intermittent suction while withdrawing the catheter. 2. There can be false-positive and false-negative skin test results. 2. 1. Inadequate peripheral circulation Answers and rationales are given below. 2. 4. 4. Collapsed alveoli have no effect on oxygen demand, though by decreasing the surface area available for gas exchange, they decrease oxygenation of the blood. To prevent hypoxia, suctioning shouldn’t last more than 10-seconds at a time. 4. Which of the following techniques is correct? A fluid intake of at least 3 L/day should be provided to replace any fluid loss occurring as a result the fever and diaphoresis; this is a high-priority intervention. What is pneumonia? In DOT, a responsible person, who may be a family member or a health care provider, observes the client taking the medication. Which of the following conditions would best explain this? 4. B. 48. 19. Increase intake of dairy products 2. 2. Bronchovesicular are normal over midlobe lung regions, tubular sounds are commonly heard over large airways, and vesicular breath sounds are commonly heard in the bases of the lung fields. It is crucial you understand this material not only for NCLEX but for working as a nurse. 21. As a nurse educator since 2010, his goal in Nurseslabs is to simplify the learning process, break down complicated topics, help motivate learners, and look for unique ways of assisting students in mastering core nursing concepts effectively. 45-year-old mother 57. Which of the following best describes pleural effusion? Acid-fast staining 32. 4. The mask provides continuous air that the client can breathe. Want 6,000+ more practice questions? 3. These test results are possible because: He had TB in the past and no longer has it. 3. Which of the following mental status changes may occur when a client with pneumonia is first experiencing hypoxia? Answer: 1. 4. 3. The sudden collapse was the cause of his chest pain and shortness of breath. Using continuous suction while advancing the catheter. 59. “I should always cover my mouth and nose when sneezing.” Pulmonary Tuberculosis “I will need to dispose of my old clothing when I return home.” Pneumonia Common Questions and Answers . Admit him to the hospital in respiratory isolation, Prescribe isoniazid and tell him to go home and rest, Give a tuberculin test and tell him to come back in 48 hours and have it read, Give a prescription for isoniazid, 300 mg daily for 2 weeks, and send him home. The accumulation of fluid between the linings of the pleural space. Answer: 1. 42. Isoniazid The client experiencing eighth cranial nerve damage will most likely report which of the following symptoms? 3. The mask provides pressurized oxygen so the client can breathe more easily. (These are NCLEX style questions that I created myself. To determine the extent of the lesions. 41. Welcome to our collection of free NCLEX practice questions to help you achieve success on your NCLEX-RN exam! Which of the following family members exposed to TB would be at highest risk for contracting the disease? To determine if a repeat skin test is needed, To determine if this is a primary or secondary infection. Ask the client’s spouse to supervise the daily administration of the medications. Antibiotics Developed a resistance to tubercle bacilli Chest tube placement This is an NCLEX review for pneumonia. Which statement(s) by the client indicate(s) that he has understood the nurses instructions? The ability to perform ADL’s without dyspnea 14. Admit him to the hospital in respiratory isolation Which of the following organisms most commonly causes community-acquired pneumonia in adults? 14. 10. The nurse is teaching a client who has been diagnosed with TB how to avoid spreading the disease to family members. A client who is HIV+ has had a PPD skin test. Fever of more than 104*F and nausea To determine if this is a primary or secondary infection. 56. Improved chest x-ray Which of the following methods is the best way to confirm the diagnosis of a pneumothorax? 2. Which needle is appropriate for this injection? You now access to all the pneumonia practice questions that you need in order to pass your exams in Respiratory Therapy school, and even the TMC Exam when that time comes. 2. The client is showing s/s of active TB and because of a productive cough is highly contagious. “I should use paper tissues to cough in and dispose of them properly.” Performing thoracentesis A chest tube is rarely necessary because the amount of fluid typically isn’t large enough to warrant such a measure. 2. The Causative agent of Tuberculosis is said to be: A client was infected with TB 10 years ago but never developed the disease. 3. This is known as which of the following types of infection? Auscultation of breath sounds The public health nurse is providing follow-up care to a client with TB who does not regularly take his medication. The accumulation of fluid between the linings of the pleural space. 2. After the airway is inserted, he gags and coughs. Welcome to your NCLEX practice quiz on Safety and Infection Control. Pneumonia would have bronchial breath sounds over the area of consolidation. To determine the extent of the lesions 60. Included topics in this practice quiz are: Follow the guidelines below to make the most out of this exam: In Exam Mode: All questions are shown in random and the results, answers and rationales (if any) will only be given after you’ve finished the quiz. Positive Match. 4. Staphylococcus aureus. Multiple-choice questions may vary and include: audio clips, graphics, exhibits or charts Nclex questions and answers on pneumonia. 3. 2. The client experiences symptoms such as confusion and tremors, which may progress to convulsions and possible coma. Answer: 3. Take the medication with antacids 29. Which of the following symptoms will he exhibit? Also, this page requires javascript. 2. The prevention of aspiration pneumonia. Which of the following conditions would best explain this? 2. Chest auscultation reveals bronchial breath sounds over areas of consolidation. 76-year-old grandmother. 2. 17. Which of the following would be priority assessment data to gather from a client who has been diagnosed with pneumonia? 2. 1. 2. A client’s ABG analysis reveals a pH of 7.18, PaCO2 of 72 mm Hg, PaO2 of 77 mm Hg, and HCO3- of 24 mEq/L. Positive acid-fast bacilli in a sputum sample after 2 months of treatment. Vertigo Klebsiella species is the most common gram-negative organism found in the hospital setting. 3. Answer: 3. 3. Effusion 3. Stabilizes carbon dioxide levels 2. 3. 5/8” to ½” 25G to 27G needle. 60. The right forearm of a client who had a purified protein derivative (PPD) test for tuberculosis is reddened and raised about 3mm where the test was given. Metabolic alkalosis If loading fails, click here to try again. Auscultate breath sounds A 24-year-old client comes into the clinic complaining of right-sided chest pain and shortness of breath. 3. Decreased shortness of breath He reports that it started suddenly. A patient was admitted to the intensive care unit 48 hours … 3. To help prevent the development of active TB, the client should be treated with isoniazid, 300 mg daily, for how long? 4. It can affect one or both of your lungs. Which nursing diagnosis should take priority? Supplement the diet with pyridoxine (vitamin B6) The mask can be set to deliver any amount of oxygen needed. "Are your immunizations up to date?" Improves oxygen uptake Anorexia and weight loss You are given 1 minute per question, a total of 60 minutes for this exam. Air sacs within the lungs fill with pus and fluid making it hard for oxygen to get into your bloodstream. As the hypoxia becomes more pronounced, the client may become confused and combative. A. The client’s blood and x-ray results may stay negative. Potatoes and fish. The complete MCQs is prepared by the experts considering all the previous questions and answers in mind . What do these values indicate? Weight loss Practice Mode – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, the answer is revealed instantly after each question, and there is no time limit for the exam. Answer: 1. Answer: 1. A respiratory rate of 25 to 30 breaths/minute indicates the client is experiencing tachypnea, which would not be expected on recovery. Which of the following would be an appropriate expected outcome for an elderly client recovering from bacterial pneumonia? Allergy to penicillin Which assessment, if made by the nurse, would not be consistent with the usual clinical presentation of TB and may indicate the development of a concurrent problem? If you’re in doubt about the need for practice questions, you can find several sites offering a few NCLEX questions. 4. Answer: 3. A pulse oximetry gives what type of information about the client? Pneumonia leads to impaired gas exchange which can require mechanical ventilation if severe enough. Answer: 3. 2. 51. Any condition that interferes with either the secretion or drainage of this fluid will lead to a pleural effusion. Bronchiectasis Positive acid-fast bacilli in a sputum sample after 2 months of treatment. 2. 2. Join and try SIMCLEX® (the most realistic NCLEX® simulation software) and NPQ™, the largest Nursing Practice Question Database . A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with TB. Clients taking INH should avoid foods that are rich in tyramine, such as cheese and dairy products, or they may develop hypertension. An effusion is an accumulation of excess pleural fluid in the pleural space, which may be a secondary response to pneumonia. The only way to re-expand the lung is to place a chest tube on the right side so the air in the pleural space can be removed and the lung re-expanded. A maximum loss of 5 to 10 pounds of body weight 1. Chest x-ray 1. 4. A chest x-ray can’t determine if this is a primary or secondary infection. The client should be kept dry to promote comfort. In the previous NCLEX review series, I explained about other respiratory disorders, so be sure to check […] 33. I am not in any way associated with the NCLEX and have not been trained on how to write NCLEX style questions.) Listening to breath sounds won’t confirm a diagnosis. Since you are here, this quiz will let you know how much you are prepared for the NCLEX exam. 4. Spell. 20. 1. Echocardiogram 1. TB typically produces anorexia and weight loss. 2. The mask provides 100% oxygen to the client. 2. Answer: 2. Metabolic acidosis INH treatment is associated with the development of peripheral neuropathies. The answer beginning "Can you tell me what it is" is the most open-ended question and will offer the best opportunity for obtaining more data. 5. 2. You may also like these other quizzes and exam tip articles: is an education and nursing lifestyle website geared towards helping student nurses and registered nurses with knowledge for the progression and empowerment of their nursing careers. Remind the client that TB can be fatal if not taken properly. Which of the following antituberculous drugs can cause damage to the eighth cranial nerve? 1. Avoid excessive sun exposure. 3. 2. A 76-year old client is admitted for elective knee surgery. Follow. Chills, fever, night sweats, and hemoptysis. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (43) Following assessment of a patient with pneumonia, the nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance. Included in this updated guide for 2021 are 1,000+ practice questions, a primer on what is the NCLEX-RN exam, frequently asked questions about the NCLEX, question types, the NCLEX-RN test plan, and test-taking tips and strategies. I want more questions. 2. PLAY. 4. Spend your time wisely! 1. 1. Directly observed therapy (DOT) can be implemented with clients who are not compliant with drug therapy. Decreased residual volume The treatment plan for aspiration pneumonia. 31. Vesicular breath sounds in right base. This traditional text-based question will provide you data about the client's situation and you can only select one correct answer from the given four options. A 79-year-old client is admitted with pneumonia. “It is important that I isolate myself from family when possible.” 47. The client will need nutritional support, but while dyspneic, he may be unable to spare the energy needed to eat and at the same time maintain adequate oxygenation. Based on this information, which of the following nursing interventions would be a priority? 46. Our NCLEX practice questions are based on the same categories that are included on the official exam provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN): Physiological Integrity; Safe and Effective Care Environment; Health Promotion and Maintenance; Psychosocial; Maximize your study time . The nurse correctly interprets this reaction to mean that the client has: 1. Repeat skin test is positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ), not normal... Prepared by the client increase intake of: 1 t need an.. Of right-sided chest pain and shortness of breath with drug therapy, for how long and shortness breath! Is suspected of having active TB, the client ’ s history, require... Ppd test induration at the site of the following were noted in the body nerve, of... Passed through a membrane and usually occur in pneumonia 2010, Nurseslabs has become of. Therapy is inadequate you right here at your finger tips in this category primary or infection! 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